Images for the Soul
WRENTHAM, MA | 774-847-5596 | EMAIL US
WE HAVE MOVED AGAIN! We are still in the Wrentham Outlets only now next to Lululemon #192.
Hessam Abrishami

Artworks convey a unique view of the world through the eyes of the artist. This view is colored by the individual beliefs and experiences of that artist. Hessam Abrishami was born in Shiraz, Iran in 1951. He has been greatly influenced by the ancient history that surrounded him as a child. Seeking a society free from the limitations of modern day Iran, Hessam left his home country to expand his knowledge and awareness of the outside, changing world. His quest to excel as an artist took him to Italy, one of the historically great epicenters of the art world. He began his higher education in Pietro Vanucci, at the Accademia di Belle Arti.
Hessam Abrishami is still driven by the deeply felt values that he developed during his early days in Iran and Europe. Understanding the struggles encountered by emerging artists, Hessam has always been willing to help new artists develop their careers. Hessam believes strongly in the goodness of people and this world, which is reflected in not only his art, but in his personal values. Hessam additionally creates some artistic statements that defy oppression.