Images for the Soul
WRENTHAM, MA | 774-847-5596 | EMAIL US
WE HAVE MOVED AGAIN! We are still in the Wrentham Outlets only now next to Lululemon #192.
Josef Kote

Josef Kote's paintings are symphonies of light and color. They are lyrically stunning and romantic, edgy and current. Kote achieves this delicate balance of seemingly contradictory qualities through his complete mastery in technique, and through years of experimenting to find his own unique style. With the lightness of a true master’s hand he combines classic academic and abstract elements, fusing these, literally letting them run into each other with dripping rivulets of riveting colors and light.
Kote’s trade marks are his bold brush work and sweeping strokes of vibrant colors applied - more often than not - with a pallet knife, while other areas of the canvas are left monochromatic and devoid of detail creating a negative space that lets the eye drift to infinity. The results are paintings that tremble in stillness with energy and light.